Foundation and development - iPhone 2

Foundation and Development in cooperation with Apple Inc./Steve Jobs

Dipl. Ing. Engin Günana

Design Challenge

First edition with children sickness Apple Inc. iPhone 1 iPhone 3G solution, without a multifunctional and multi flexible touch screen functionality, too small edition not and slow data transfer 3G was our greatest challenge.  I pull the emergency brake and stop distribution and find Wi-Fi technology as bridge-solution until mobile standard 4G. We sold a small contingent to test office application  WiFi Standart IEEE 802.11a-z. A management issue and challenge, what to do in this critical situation, invest many millions for a flop But we solved this problem great, step by step. We solved to challenge of multi touch screen functionality with multi-layer technology. The small data transfer with Wi-Fi and later with 4G. and the average design with a high-quality look metal edge at glass display, development iPhone 3G to iPhone 4 with new metallic edge. Our basic model stated with 600 USD.


Stock Market Apple Stocks

Most Valuable Lesson, if we do the right things on the top line, the bottom line will follow. What we meant bye that was, if you get the right strategy, if you have the right people and if you have the right culture at your company you'll do the right products, you do the right marketing you do the right things logistically in the manufacturing and distribution and if you do all those things right, the bottom line will follow and grow top line

iPhone 2 Facelift

iPhone x devices in one device

After Cray and Unix, PC and Windows the next generation of Operating System from iPhone with finger touch and gestures functions. Steve Jobs/Apple and Engin Günana/Daimler AG we need many years to develop this touch and gestures-based Operating System (10 years). Default Application Scope, Symbols, This Operation System was the next revolution. Design is function concept iPhone 4 (2) concave button and metal edge. iPhone 2 because of our fist commitment, we want started with iPhone 1 but Steve Jobs asked me, the internet provider want to publish the 3G mobile cellular standard, but iPhone grow faster than mobile cellular technology, we define YouTube channel and a iPhone specific data transfer without any compatibility with other standards. we define YouTube a music channel and a data transfer standard with Name is Airdrop. During we developed iPhone we thought about little programs, music stores and other usable application the idea of the search engine born. During i worked at IVM-Stuttgart as Group leader 1994-1997 in Calculation and Simulation we talk about a search engine who are able to find application, programs and music parts, we Jochen Lauer, Wolfgang Weiss IVM Stuttgart-Fellbach make a joke and describe this search procedure as chicken Gogl who search her corn. Gogl means German Swabian language chicken and we decided le in the end, this is a Swabian conjugation and means trivialization. Wolfgang and i changed the name from Gogl to Google, because the name Gogl was to boring. Wolfgang research and searched and find a connection my former Friend Andy Bechtolsheim and send him our idea with the search engine Google. Unternehmen – Lauer & Weiss (

Best at Market

No compromise no compatibility to other smartphones and systems we create a new iPhone and IOS standard especially concerning data security and transfer, we want to be the best at market concerning functionality, performance, stability, reliability and security. We want to be the best, now we are the best at market regarding my conviction most valuable lesson against Erdogan and Islamic terrorism and my stolen Unix application to society (you are nothing)