Parallel Foundation - iPhone - GSM - Wi-Fi
Günana Steve Merkel - GSM Standard development for iPhone and Smartphones

Attention function
App Store

Engin Günana - Apple Inc. Cooperation
Engin Günana, Klaus Hageman/Daimler AG we find our partner at Apple Inc. / Steve Jobs (1997). My idea of flat screen pocket phone and a little bit greater version the tab with multifunctional application. One device for x applications (telephone, camera, voice recorder, calculator, music player, video recorder, video player, navigation system, SMS, E-Mail, internet, schedular, weather information, stock exchange and program library (store) for other application. But the greatest challenge was the IOS. Steve jobs gave up and want a little keyboard, like Motorola in a late phase, but i was convinced that we can do it and after 9 years from idea to the first iPhone at 2007, the first iPhone was born. A little bit to small 3,5'' against my specification 150mm x 75mm. Steve was a computer fan and think about a 3,5'' disc in jeans pocket. I was the chief engineer for finger and gesture-based OS, functions scope and responsible for concept book, specifications book technical functions, design default application scope, variants (2) and sell strategy ($500 and $600). And especially for a closed IOS system without any connection possibility with other systems and i had right. This was the key other professional Apple products and application and the key for success. A closed IOS system for professional premium Apple products and application.
Challange solution Wlan IEEE 802.11x
The most important reason of iPhone success during 2G-3G
Wlan IEEE 802.11 (German edition) Wi-Fi IEEE 802.11 (USA edition)
Standard of IEEE 802.11x have only personal meaning from Dipl.-Ing. Engin Günana. I derived from i-Phone, E from Engin and EEE regarding commitment of three characters in sequence. 8 is T-shirt No as football player at middle field, o2 target management level E2 at 1998 and 11 to grade (Turkey)
Safari Google Bluetooth AirDrop
Safari search engine transfer 100% origin from Google, funk standard Bluetooth for external devices, AirDrop for iPhone

The most important developments 1984-2012
iPhone iPad First generation of mobile phone and computer
IOS iPhone Operation System great challenge
iDrop Data transfer technology from iPhone to iPhone (closed system)
Bluetooth New data transfer Technology with other system (open system)
Flat touch screen The greatest challenges of grid and layer Technolgy and IOS
App Store Applications library and program collection
Application Collection of discretized lean programs (Lego Technology)
YouTube Tube of music, the music channel library and video collection
Facebook Book of Faces from friends and friends of friends