Damage Compensation
Reality-TV and Get-Response Fees ©
Fees are limited to reginal User Germany-Turkey-Middle-East
Dipl.-Ing. Engin Günana - Aerospace Technology University Stuttgart
Lawsuit in Turkeys, Germany and European Union Justice is not possible, because of an illegal political commitment between European Union and Turkish government. They are responsible for secret illegal operation with the target spying with me, Dipl.-Ing. Engin Günana through Reality-TV and Get-Response Management Function since 2000 Turkey changed justice and laws after army coup at 15.07.2012, with the target to steal regular EU TV-Fees Payments about 967 billion EUR from 224 million EU-Household about 30,00 EUR/month. EU Germany and Turkey state and economy spying and stealing Engin Günana business competence and expert knowledge with high potential economy application during 2000-2012 in co-chairman function at DaimlerChrysler AG and Daimler AG and after 2012 with Get-Response Management Function. 224 million EU private households pay 967 billion EUR (2012-2023) to Turkey. Germany, Turkey and EU destroy and reduce Engin Günana to refugee level with government force extortion and dictatorship rules, destroy professional career, finance, healthcare, social security because of illegal dumping TV-Fess payments to Turkish government and economy about 30,00 EUR/month without any contract, license and authority between Turkish Government and Economy. Turkey earns with illegal spying about 3000 billion US-Dollar.
İllegal theft of Intellectual Property
2000-2012 Reality-TV local co-chairman Daimler AG
2012-2023 Get-Response global IT-expert
İllegal theft of Intellectual Property
Valid region EU Turkey and Middle East
18 Minister, 600 parliamentarians, 10 Mill. Leaderships
Turkish Wealth Fund Cap € 50 Billion
Foundation with € 50 Billion EUR from Engin Günana