Damage Compensation - Violating of Agreement with EU
Reality-TV and Get-Response Fees ©
Fees are limited to reginal User EU-Germany-Turkey-Middle East
Dipl.-Ing. Engin Günana - Aerospace Technology University Stuttgart 1984-1994
Claims in Turkeys, Germany and European Union Justice is not possible, because of an illegal political and military commitment between European Union and Turkish government. An agreement between European Union and Dipl.-Ing. Engin Günana 2011 ensure Dipl.-Ing. Engin Günana 60,00 EUR/month fees from 224 million European Union private households with the beginning of 2012.
Agreement with European Union with the content 'open intellectual property rights and copyright' for European Union civilization to participate from professional expert knowledge and business competence in function of co-chairman and co-CEO during 1998-2016 at 5 global player companies Daimler AG - Chrysler Group - Google Inc. - Facebook Inc. - Apple Inc. with 50 billion EUR salary (5 x 10 billion EUR), foundation and invested in Turkish Wealth Fund 01/2016. Development and Foundation and agreement proposal from European Union is the result of development of Aerospace Technology and IT-Technology during 1984-1912 and content ARIANNE space shuttle ASTRA satellite system AIRBUS fleet with the beginning of A320 and IT-Technology
Development and Foundation of Artificial Intelligence AI, Cube, (10.000 3D-Elements), Internet, Windows 1.0-3.0, Google AI-Translation, AI-Navigation, AI-Maps, AI-Search engine with advertising and online-market Development of data formats with extension .com and data header and codes. Speech recognition with complex algorithm FFFT Expansion of series and imaginary terms and derivation. Development and foundation of digital signals GSM (1G ASTRA satellite system) Wi-Fi (IEEE 802.11x) modern smartphones iPhone, Samsung, iPad and Notebooks, memory mediums RAM, SSD, motherboards with parallel calculation architecture, 64-bit and 128-bit data bus system, for parallel chips architecture and job splitting. Graphic-Interface revolution with the beginning of Windows 1.0 graphic chips, graphic-card and graphic sub libraries and programs in computer programs.
Artificial Intelligence after higher mathematics and physics with Finite-Element-Method FEM, development and expansion of analytic geometry and series with imaginary terms and derivation. Expansion of Fundamental theorem of calculus. Expansion of analytic geometry and inclusion in multiple nested matrix operation. Language splitting in Finite Elements sort in series and coupling with orthography orthogonal couple condition through cross product, rotation with possible permutation and deviation selection from discipline library. Maximum intervening of mathematical disciplines numeric and language
Military Intervention Turkish and German Military intervention and occupy IT-Devlopment and IT-foundation even though European Union appreciate and honor Dipl.-Ing. Engin Günana development and foundation of Aerospace-Technology and IT-Technology with 60 EUR/month fees payment from 224 million European Union private households about 80,64 billion EUR/year.
The value Equivalent of Dipl.-Ing. Engin Günana development foundation and IPO is Google (Alphabet Inc.) Facebook (Meta Technology Inc.) Apple with iPhone, iPad, iMac Microsoft Corp. and NVIDA in sum about 11.000 billion USD market capitalization (01.03.2025) and No 1-5 at New York Stock Exchange
Development and foundation of IT-Technology 21. century 1994-2016
Artificial Intelligence and Cube Internet Google and Facebook Windows iPhone Samsung Huawai

Fees agreement with European Union
Spying of Intellectual Property
2000-2012 Reality-TV local co-chairman Daimler AG
2012-2024 Get-Response global IT-expert
Spying of Intellectual Property
Valid region EU Turkey and Middle East
18 Minister, 600 parliamentarians, 10 Mill. Leaderships
Turkish Wealth Fund Cap € 50 Billion
Foundation with € 50 Billion EUR from Engin Günana