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Foundation and development - iPad
Dipl. Ing. Engin Günana iPad
A greater version of iPhone was the tab or iPad with the same multifunctional application with a greater screen. One device for x applications (telephone, camera, voice recorder, calculator, music player, video recorder, video player, navigation system, SMS, E-Mail, internet, schedular, weather information, stock exchange and program library (store) for other application. But the greatest challenge was the IOS. Steve jobs gave sometimes up with touch screen technology less date transfer and want a little keyboard, like Motorola in a late phase, but i was convinced that we solved step by step our challenge and after years from idea to the first iPhone 2007, in 2010 Steve Jobs present the first iPad.
The first iPhone was too small 3,5'' against my specification 150mm x 75mm. Steve was a computer fan and think about a 3,5'' disc in jeans pocket. I was the chief engineer for finger and gesture-based OS, functions scope and responsible for concept book, specifications book technical functions, design default application scope, variants (2) and sell strategy ($500 and $600).
IOS system had to be a special closed system without any connection possibility with other systems, this was a condition for our quality in difference to mass products. Our iPhone and iPad should only communicate in a Apple IOS closed system. With the relevance of quality in hard-and software.
Tab as a bigger device for internet and video application. Stock-Exchange, photo albums, online banking. In difference to bigger notebook iPad use sim-cards for mobile network, meanwhile Notebooks and Laptops worked with LAN or WLAN connection. USB Adapter with sim-card for Notebooks and Laptops was developed with time shift. This was the key other professional Apple products and application and the key for success. A closed IOS system for professional premium Apple products and application.